Painting The Portrait from Life
to 22 Sep

Painting The Portrait from Life

A solid understanding of portraiture belongs in the toolbox of every artist in the figurative tradition. For centuries the painted portrait has been playing an important role in the historic documentation of personalities or served a more earnest and personal depiction of an individual soul. The act of painting a portrait from life is always an intensely human experience shared by the artist and their model.

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Drawing And Painting The Human Figure From Life
to 2 Jun

Drawing And Painting The Human Figure From Life

For millennia, the classical study of the human form has been at the heart of great artistic achievement in the field of realism. Through a series of exercises, participants of this workshop will receive an insight into the academic process of drawing and painting following the "sight-size" method. Immerse yourself in a technique originating from the studios of the historic École des Beaux Arts of 19th century Paris.

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